Helps Everyone Live Peacefully Safely

nonprofits Agreement

Your goals and Helps-austin goals are aligned

  1. We hope to inform Austin residents about nonprofit resources and find the things that help them, allow more people to contribute time and or money to you and better fulfill your mission.
  2. HELPS-AUSTIN displays art on our website every day of the year. When an artist sells a piece, one third of sales proceeds are donated to a nonprofit. When your nonprofit selects art (one or more art pieces to create a spectrum of donation premiums) your nonprofit will receive one third of the proceeds. The artist also gets is third (the artist's wholesale price), and HELPS-AUSTIN pays sales taxes and transaction fees and our business expenses with the last third. 100% of our profits are donated to charity.
  3. Selecting art as premiums ensures you are the only beneficiary from sales of that art piece. Selecting art for your premiums also entitles you to place art in public places. Links back to the HELPS-AUSTIN website highlight your nonprofit, the artist and the business hosting the art. Businesses effectively publicize your nonprofit and earn good will for themselves.

The donation Premium program

Nonprofits need outreach activities and programs to find donors, volunteers and serve their target community. If you are the director of a nonprofit, we encourage your to browse the art on our website. If not already selected by another nonprofit, a portions of sales to the public will be donated to your nonprofit.

A nonprofit director must register to select art from the HELPS-AUSTIN portfolio. We require nonprofit directors to submit an IRS Form W9 and W2 to receive donations. We also verify the W9 form with the IRS From 990 on record with the IRS. Directors can fill out the form on the IRS website to maintain the security of your tax information.

Once we have validated your credentials, we encourage you to edit the data on our website database to make it useful to our users. We want them to find your nonprofit, donate with confidence and help your nonprofit fulfill its mission.

Our first mission is to educate Austin residents about Austin nonprofit resources and programs. Art inspires; it's a high value incentive to donate.

Our second mission is to brighten peoples' lives and help them feel good about themselves. We use the time people spend waiting for medical services offices to be entertained and informed.

Our third mission is to support Austin's art community. You select the art you want to promote donations to you. It serves a reminder in their homes and offices who you are and what you do.

Here is how it works: A QR code overprinted on our art is a link to the HELPS-AUSTIN website.  A QR code overprinted on the art directs the visitor to a website page offering information about your nonprofit, a business(s) that is donating to your nonprofit and the artist your selected.

A marketing / promotion / table order flag item, like the one below, aligns the interests of a sponsor business, the artist and the nonprofit making a donation to your nonprofit. The webpage makes it easy to donate, buy art benefiting your nonprofit financially and educate the reader about your programs.